About us

Advancing democracy, driving development.

About IDEA

The Institute for Democracy and Economic Analysis – IDEA  is a think tank founded in March 2023 in Skopje, North Macedonia, with the support of the European Endowment for Democracy.


At our core, we passionately believe that the strength of our country’s democracy and the quality of economic policies are closely linked to our active democratic engagement and participation. This belief feeds our mission as a team, dedicated to contributing to the growth, quality and effectiveness of democracy and economic policies in North Macedonia.


We envision North Macedonia as a progressive, liberal and resilient member state of the European Union, fostering inclusiveness, innovation and sustainability. We are here to advance democracy and promote development!

Our vision

We envision North Macedonia as a progressive, liberal and resilient member state of the European Union, which is built on inclusiveness, innovation and sustainability. We are here to advance democracy and promote development.

Through digitalization we increase transparency.

By asking the right questions and seeking concrete answers, we promote accountability.

Through rigorous research and analysis, we help create evidence-based policies.

Our mission

Our mission is to advance the level of democracy by using the most modern and creative methods for increasing the quality of policy-making, transparency, accountability and democratic participation.

We contribute to the creation of inclusive institutions, efficient public policies, an active society and a dynamic and innovative economy.

All this through:

-Monitoring the work of public institutions and raising the level of transparency through digitalization.

-Providing the highest quality research and devising solutions at the level of public policies for the challenges of our democracy and the economy.

-Monitoring the implementation of public policies through digital mechanisms and field research.

– Raising citizen awareness about democratic values ​​and the need for active participation in democracy.

Our team

Omer Ajdini

Executive Director

Omer Ajdini holds a Masters in Development Studies from the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. He is an alumni of the ACYPL program organized by the US Department of State, and has extensive experience in project management, research and activism.

Ilir Osmani


Ilir Osmani holds a Master of Criminal Law from the State University of Tetova. He has been a civil society activist for many years and has helped establish Local Youth Councils in several municipalities.

Our work


Our advocacy is based on a comprehensive approach and is facts and evidence driven. Through our advocacy initiatives, we aim to shape policies and practices that promote liberal democracy, sustainable economic development and transparency.


At our institute, we harness the power of data in our collaborative research. We believe that research based on concrete data creates better public policies. By bringing together researchers, experts and stakeholders, we create an environment which generates ideas, proposals and solutions to public problems.